Fees & Scholarships





 Application fee: RMB 600 yuan


Student category

Tuition standard (RMB/year)

Doctoral students




Undergraduate students




Language trainees


Accommodation: the school offers a variety of standard student dormitories, and accommodation costs range from RMB 5,000-15,000 yuan/year
Medical insurance premium: RMB 800 yuan/person/school year (If there is any adjustment, the premium standard of the insurer shall prevail)
Living expenses: RMB 50 yuan/person/day (for reference only) based on the price and living consumption level of Xi'an


Program name


Scholarship details

Chinese Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students in Universities

Master students, doctoral students

Full scholarship

Covering tuition, accommodation cost, living expenses and comprehensive medical insurance.

Chinese Government Bilateral Scholarship Program

Undergraduates, master students, doctoral students, general trainees and advanced trainees.

Full scholarship and partial scholarship

Confucius Institute Scholarship

One-school-year trainees, one-semester trainees, four-week postgraduate students

Full scholarship and partial scholarship

Shaanxi Sanqin Scholarship

Undergraduates, master students, doctoral students

Partial scholarship

Undergraduates: RMB 13,000 yuan /person/school year

Master students: RMB 20,000 yuan /person/school year

Doctoral students: RMB 25,000 yuan/person/school year

Xi'an Municipal Belt and Road Scholarship for Excellent International Students

Undergraduates, master students, doctoral students, non-degree trainees (6 months at least)

Partial scholarship

Undergraduates: RMB 15,000 yuan /person/school year

Master students: RMB 20,000 yuan /person/school year

Doctoral students: RMB 25,000 yuan /person/school year

Non-degree trainees: RMB 1,000 yuan /person/month

Huashan Scholarship of Xidian University for Excellent International Students

Undergraduates, master students, doctoral students

First-class scholarship: Covering tuition and living expenses (undergraduates, RMB 1,200 yuan /person/month; master students, RMB 1,700 yuan /person/month; doctoral students, RMB2,200 yuan /person/month)

Second-class scholarship: Covering tuition

Third-class scholarship: Covering 50% tuition


1. For more information about scholarship application, please visit the website of the International Education College of Xidian University: https://sie.xidian.edu.cn.

2. Applicants for Chinese Governmental Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship, in addition to applying on corresponding scholarship application websites, must also complete online application at Xidian University's International Student Online Service System at: https://xidian.17gz.org/


For bank remittance information, please visit: http://sie.xidian.edu.cn/info/1261/1812.htm. Please indicate the payment items, applicant's name, passport number and nationality on the remittance slip when making the remittance. Failure to indicate the above information will be deemed as failure in payment. After payment, please keep the payment certificate for registration and online application.


Program name

Closing Date

Chinese Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students in Universities

March 31st

Chinese Government Bilateral Scholarship Program

March 31st

Confucius Institute Scholarship

Refer to the notice from the NOCFL

Shaanxi Sanqin Scholarship

Refer to the notice from Education Department of Shaanxi

Xi'an Municipal Belt and Road Scholarship for Excellent International Students

May 31,

Huashan Scholarship of Xidian University for Excellent International Students

May 31st

Self-funded academic program

June 30th

Chinese Language Learning Program

Accepting application throughout the year



Address: Office of Admission and Quality Assurance, 306 Administrative Building, Xidian University, 266 Xinglong District, Xifeng Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province

Post Code: 710126

Tel.: +86-29-81891161

Fax: +86-29-81891653

E-mail: sie@xidian.edu.cn